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Main Point 1
Here is the first Main Point for this lesson.
Main Point 2
Here is the second Main Point for this lesson.
Main Point 3
Here is the third Main Point for this lesson.

Navigate a tough economy
Because the best way to predict the future is to create it.
The truth about job security
The biggest lie anyone told you is that it is more secure to work for a company than to work for yourself. Job security no longer comes from a company, a government check, or a stimulus package. And if you didn't believe us before, we hope you believe us now.
Take control in uncertain times
General Douglas MacArther defined "security" as "your ability to produce." So real "security" comes from knowing what you do well that adds value to others. And entrepreneurship is the most powerful way to take control of your life in a tough economy.

The internet changed the game
We were preaching online business before COVID made it cool. In fact, the pandemic has proven just how resilient online business models are, when physical storefronts are forced to close, and big companies are forced to cut. See, we're smarter than we look. We always new we were onto something.
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