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The SEAD™ Model

The SEAD Model offers a definition to a narrow segment of the relatively new, and rapidly evolving field of social entrepreneurship. SEAD™ stands for Social Enterprises Advancing Democracy, and it highlights key features that make this a distinct business model that bridges the fields of business, philanthropy, arts, economics, and public policy and democracy.

1. Purpose-Driven Design

SEAD business models begin by identifying key social or environmental issues - defined by the United Nations 'global goals'. Then they develop a business to generate the revenue and resources to address those issues. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; identify a social or environmental problem you want to solve.

2. People-Centered Solutions

SEAD process is designed to serve all stakeholders - including people, patrons, policy, and planet - not merely shareholders, profits, and more narrow metrics of success. Engages all stakeholders, not just shareholders. Because it recognizes that no one is disposable. . Asset-based development; not deficit-based aid. Solutions that scale; Democracy thrives to the extent that people shape and participate in civic life; collaboration over competition. Close the wealth-gap; build the economy from middle out.

3. Resilient Business Models

SEAD blends the scalability of technology and automation with the sustainability of social impact models, so creators can expand their reach and revenue, fuel ongoing impact, and ultimately spark systemic social change.Leverage technology, global access, and 24/7 automation to create sustainable business models using digital assets.

4. Bridge-Building Processes

Social entrepreneurs are in the business of building bridges, prioritizing "we" over "me". The SEAD model seeks to create mutual value and generate win-wins for relevant stakeholders, in order to 'grow the pie' rather than fight over slices.

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